Consumer Information
Consumer Information for the Delaware Tech Community: HEOA Disclosures
In 2008, the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) was enacted into law. That legislation requires Delaware Tech and all other colleges and universities that participate in federal educational initiatives to make significant institutional information available so that consumers can make informed decisions about postsecondary education. To help current students, prospective students, and other interested parties locate important information about Delaware Tech, this webpage provides links to those disclosures required by federal law.
This page contains information on the following subjects:
- General Institutional Information
- Financial Assistance Information
- Institutional Data
- Student Outcomes Data
- Health and Safety
- Other Information
- Gainful Employment
- State Contact Information for Student Complaints
The College invites all of current students, prospective students, and members of our community to browse these links for more information about Delaware Tech. Should you have any questions on the contents of this webpage, please do not hesitate to contact the individuals listed on these links or the other appropriate parties on the campus of interest to you.
General Institutional Information
Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs
Delaware Tech is an open admission institution that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801, (267) 284-5011. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Delaware Tech's Middle States Statement of Accreditation can be found on the Middle States website at In addition, a complete listing of the College’s program accreditations is available.
If you would like to obtain or review documents describing accreditation, approval or licensing, please submit a request in writing to Academic Affairs, Office of the President, P.O. Box 897, Dover, DE 19903.
Traditional classroom courses are available at four convenient locations throughout the state:
- The Jack F. Owens Campus is in historic Georgetown, the county seat of Sussex, southernmost of Delaware's three counties. View a Georgetown Campus map.
- The Charles L. Terry Campus serving Kent County is in Dover, the state capital. View a Dover Campus map.
- The Stanton Campus is located in suburban Stanton and serves New Castle County, where more than half of Delaware's population lives. View a Stanton Campus map.
- The Orlando J. George, Jr. Campus is located in downtown Wilmington and serves New Castle County, where more than half of Delaware's population lives. View a Wilmington Campus map.
Furthermore, students have the opportunity to take many classes offered at any of our campuses through a variety of distance learning opportunities such as interactive classrooms, online classes, and telecourses. View the distance learning opportunities web page for more information.
Academic Programs
Delaware Tech students may be accepted in degree, diploma, or certificate programs. A review of the programs of study available to our students can be found on the programs of study website. For more information on the College's programs of study, please visit the college catalog.
In addition, a listing of the College's full-time administrative, instructional and student affairs personnel is available. The following is a listing of the College's part-time adjunct instructional personnel: Dover Campus Adjuncts (PDF), Georgetown Campus Adjuncts (PDF), Stanton Campus Adjuncts (PDF), and Wilmington Campus Adjuncts (PDF).
Textbook Information
For detailed information and prices on textbooks and supplemental course materials please visit the college bookstore.
Program Effectiveness
Delaware Tech is committed to providing our students with a high-quality education. In order to achieve this goal, the College reviews the effectiveness of our programs of study. Please see the institutional effectiveness web page to learn more about Delaware Tech's commitment to academic excellence.
Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
View information regarding the College's transfer of credit policy. View Delaware Tech's articulation agreements. Please see the college catalog for additional information about our transfer of credit policy and the College's articulation agreements.
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities
Delaware Tech is devoted to improving the educational development of students with disabilities by providing an institutional climate that supports student needs. Students with disabilities are better served if they communicate their need to disability support specialists on our campuses at least four (4) weeks prior to each semester. The College encourages anyone who has questions regarding disabilities services to visit the disabilities services webpage.
Price of Attendance
View information regarding the price of attending Delaware Tech and access the Net Price Calculator.
Refund Policy and Withdrawal Requirements
View the College's refund policy and requirements for withdrawal.
Privacy of Student Records - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA was enacted to protect the privacy of educational records and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Among other things, FERPA gives students the right to file complaints with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the educational institution to comply with the Act.
In accordance with FERPA, Delaware Tech will not release information to another party, exclusive of "Directory Information" as defined by the College, without a signed release from the student indicating the specific recipient of such information and the specific information the College is authorized to release. Directory Information may be released by the College pursuant to the law. For more information on Delaware Tech's FERPA policy, please see FERPA notice to students.
Career Planning and Development Information
Delaware Tech is committed to providing our students with extensive career planning and development services. The College has Career Centers at each one of our campuses where Career Counselors are available to assist students and graduates with a variety of career planning services. For more information visit the Delaware Tech career planning services web page, or stop by your campus Career Center of interest to you.
Athletic Program Information
Delaware Tech is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). Eligibility rules, codes of conduct, substance abuse policies, as well as gender equity policies are mandated or suggested by the NJCAA.
The Director of Athletics is responsible for the interpretation of eligibility rules and publishing positions on codes of conduct, substance abuse, and gender equity. Eligibility forms are reviewed both on the national and regional level. Problems with eligibility or ethical behavior are brought before the Regional Standards and Ethics Committee.
All high school graduates are eligible for intercollegiate competition. Once a student begins taking college courses, his/her eligibility is determined by the number of college credit hours attempted and the grades earned in those courses. Transfer students from other colleges must produce a college transcript to determine eligibility. Any additional information concerning athletic matters (forms, scholarships, eligibility, etc.) should be referred to the campus Athletic Director.
Learn more about our athletic programs.
The HEOA also requires the College to disclose intercollegiate athletic program participation rates and related financial support data required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA). View the College's EADA report (PDF).
Financial Assistance Information
Financial Aid Contact Information
Delaware Tech has Financial Aid Offices at each one of our campuses. Financial Aid Officers can be reached by viewing campus specific contact information or by emailing
Financial Aid Information
While Financial Aid Officers are available at each of our campuses, students, prospective students, and other interested parties are also encouraged to visit Delaware Tech's financial aid web page for a comprehensive review of financial aid programs that can make attending college more affordable. View information regarding how to apply for financial aid on the college's website and View eligibility requirements for all financial assistance programs and learn about students rights and responsibilities as it relates to financial aid.
Scholarship information for Delaware Tech is available on the scholarship webpage. Please be sure to click on our SEED Scholarship web page for information on a landmark program that offers Delawareans of all ages the opportunity to attend Delaware Tech tuition-free under certain circumstances.
View state assistance programs for Delaware or additional state higher education assistance programs.
Federal grant assistance programs are available at the federal grants web page and . Federal education loan programs are outlined at the federal loan web page and
The terms and conditions of federal education loans are available at the federal loan web page and The College's Financial Aid withdrawal policy is also available. Information regarding financial aid disbursement can be found at the award conditions web page.
Study abroad programs must be part of a written contractual or consortium agreement between two or more schools. The home school must be located in the United States. The study abroad program does not have to be a required part of the eligible program at the home school in order for the student to be eligible to receive FSA funds. However, the credits earned through the study abroad or exchange program must be acceptable toward graduation in the student's program by the home school.
Financial Aid Verification
The Department of Education requires borrowers to verify the information reported on your financial aid application. View details of the verification process.
In addition, Delaware Tech is required to provide upon request a self-certification form to admitted and enrolled students before disbursing a private education loan. Please visit your Financial Aid Office for a copy of this form. View the self-certification form for private loans (PDF)
Federal Work Study Program
Each year the federal government appropriates funds to postsecondary institutions to provide an opportunity for students needing financial assistance to earn a portion of their college expenses through part-time employment. More information is available at the federal work study web page and . Eligible students interview for jobs and may work up to a certain number of hours per week to receive pay after the performance of the assigned work.
Student Lending Code of Conduct
Delaware Tech is committed to providing students and their families with the best information and processing alternatives available regarding student borrowing. In support of this and in an effort to rule out any perceived or actual conflict of interest between Delaware Tech officers, employees or agents and education loan lenders, Delaware Tech has adopted a code of conduct.
Preferred Lenders
Delaware Tech does not have a preferred lender and does not enter into preferred lender arrangements.
Entrance and Exit Counseling for Student Loan Borrowers
Prior to the first disbursement of a Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) or a Federal direct loan (other than a consolidated or Parent PLUS loan), Delaware Tech provides to first-time borrowers comprehensive entrance information on the terms and conditions of the loan and of the borrower's responsibilities. Similarly, the College provides Exit counseling to borrowers of loans under the FFEL, Federal Direct Loan, or Perkins loan programs (other than consolidated or Parent PLUS loans) shortly before the borrower stops at least half-time study at Delaware Tech. More information is available on Entrance and Exit counseling at or, contact your Delaware Tech Financial Aid Office.
Other Financial Aid Disclosures
Pursuant to the HEOA, Delaware Tech provides information published by the Department of Education and pertaining to loan programs, including student rights and responsibilities, at the time it is made available. Notice is provided to potential students, enrolled students, or parents of a student with a federal loan that the loan will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and other authorized users.
Institutional Data
College Navigator Website
The National Center for Education Statistics maintains and analyzes data on educational institutions on its College Navigator website. The College Navigator website contains information regarding each of our campuses:
Fall Profile
Delaware Tech's Office of Institutional Research publishes a Fall Profile to provide the community with important statistical information about the College. We invite all interested parties to review this institutional data.
- Fall Profile 2022 (PDF)
- Fall Profile 2021 (PDF)
- Fall Profile 2020 (PDF)
- Fall Profile 2019 (PDF)
- Fall Profile 2018 (PDF)
Student Outcomes Data
Graduation and Retention
Delaware Tech Office of Institutional Research provides student graduation and retention data for the past 5 years.
Graduate Employment
Delaware Tech prepares an annual Placement Report in January which summarizes information gathered from graduates who received their degrees in May of the previous year. This report includes information on graduates’ employment and transfer status. The complete report in PDF format is available below:
Health and Safety
Drug and Alcohol Policy
In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Delaware Tech believes that illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol have no place in the college environment. Please see Delaware Tech's policy on illegal drugs and the unlawful use of alcohol.
Violations of Student Conduct Standards
The College has developed a policy for handling complaints of violations of student conduct standards. Please note that for any disciplinary proceeding conducted after August 14, 2009, the College will disclose the results of any disciplinary proceeding to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense upon his or her request. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, then this information shall be provided, upon request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim.
Crime Awareness and Campus Security Report
Delaware Tech is committed to providing students and employees with a safe environment in which to learn and work. Public Safety officers are employed at all of our campuses to provide a safe campus community to everyone. Delaware Tech maintains a collegewide public safety website.
Please note that in support of crime prevention efforts, each Delaware Tech campus provides timely warnings to the college community concerning those events that have been found to constitute a threat to students or employees. Moreover, the College's security report released pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 can be found at the public safety crime statistics website.
Immunization Policy
Please visit the college catalog to view information regarding the College's immunization policy.
Other Information
Computer Use, Copyright Infringement, and File Sharing
Acceptable Use of Delaware Tech's Electronic Networks Policy
Access to and use of the Delaware Tech computing and electronic networks resources are privileges granted to students, staff, faculty and members of the College community. By using the computing resources made available by the College, users consent to utilize such resources in accordance with and subject to Delaware Tech's Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy.
Members of the College community who utilize Delaware Tech's computing and electronic networks are expected to do so in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner that supports the College's educational mission. Failure to comply with Delaware Tech's Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy, applicable state, local and federal laws and regulations, as well as any other College policy or administrative procedure may result in suspension or revocation of network privileges. Moreover, misuse of the College's computing and electronic networks could result in criminal prosecution or other disciplinary action under state and federal laws.
Copyrighted Materials
Users of Delaware Tech's computing and electronic networks, as with all members of the College community, are required to comply with copyright laws. Copyright laws protect the ownership rights of an author in work which the author creates. Works protected by copyright laws include music, motion pictures and other audiovisual works, and literary materials.
While music, movies, and books are commonly associated with copyright protection, copyright laws also protect Delaware Tech's course materials. Some companies ask students to post course materials, such as tests, lecture notes, and syllabi, on websites geared toward college students. Delaware Tech's students are reminded that these course materials are protected by copyright and can only be reproduced with the instructor and College's permission.
Furthermore, faculty, instructors, and other College employees are encouraged to be mindful of copyright laws in generating course materials. View information on college policies and copyright issues (PDF) in the classroom.
Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials
Federal copyright laws, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), make it illegal to download, upload, or file-share copyrighted materials without permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringers are subject to potentially severe criminal and civil penalties for violating federal copyright law. Federal law specifies civil liabilities of litigation costs, attorney fees, and damages in the amount of $750 to $30,000 for each work infringed. An individual who violates copyright laws in particularly egregious circumstances can be fined up to $150,000. Likewise, individuals may also be subject to criminal liability, such as the possibility of substantial imprisonment, for violating federal copyright laws. View a more extensive review of these penalties.
In addition, members of the Delaware Tech community who violate copyright laws are subject to discipline under the College's Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy. Delaware Tech's Information and Instructional Technology (IIT) investigates all allegations of copyright infringement, including violations of the DMCA, on the College's computing and electronic networks. If, as determined by IIT, the College finds that a member of the Delaware Tech community has violated copyright laws, then that individual's access to the College's computing and electronic networks may be subject to termination or suspension or other disciplinary action under Delaware Tech's Student Rights and Standards of Student Conduct Policy. Delaware Tech reserves the right to choose how best to respond to copyright violations under the circumstances.
Peer to Peer File Sharing of Copyrighted Material
Peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing technology describes applications in which users employ the Internet to exchange files with each other directly or through a mediating server. Generally, P2P file sharers store files on their own computers with file-sharing programs that permit other users to download files onto their own computers. Common P2P file sharing networks include Kazaa, Bearshare, Gnutella, and Bittorrent.
Using P2P file-sharing software to copy or distribute copyrighted works such as music, games, and videos without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright law that potentially exposes the offender to the civil and criminal penalties outlined above. Similarly, utilizing P2P file sharing networks in such a manner is a violation of Delaware Tech's Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy. P2P networks may also threaten the security of users' computers due to viruses, malware, and spyware that may be transmitted in the file-sharing process. Furthermore, P2P file sharing can impede the legitimate traffic on the College's network.
Delaware Tech has gone to extensive lengths to combat the illegal use of P2P file sharing on the College's computers and networks. All College computers are equipped with commercial software that prevents users from engaging in illegal P2P file sharing. In addition, Delaware Tech employs bandwidth shaping technology to prohibit P2P file sharing on all of the College's wireless networks. Likewise, the college has restricted access of all desktop computers' internal storage drives which results in the revocation of a user's ability to install software applications.
The College annually informs users of the College's computing and electronic networks about the consequences of utilizing P2P file sharing technology. The College periodically reviews this Policy to ensure compliance with federal law. Delaware Tech encourages all users to be informed about file sharing issues to prevent illegal downloading. View a comprehensive list of legal alternatives to P2P file sharing.
Voter Registration
Delaware Tech encourages all of our students and employees to participate in our democracy. Registering to vote is one way that you can add your voice to this process. View more information on registering to vote in Delaware.
Use of Federal Educational Funds
As mandated by the HEOA, the College does not use federal educational funds to lobby federal officials on any matter, including grants, contracts, and loans. Delaware Tech has not used federal educational funds to hire a registered lobbyist or pay for securing an appropriations earmark.
Gainful Employment
Title IV Eligible Gainful Employment Program Disclosures
On July 1, 2019, the U.S. Department of Education published an announcement rescinding the Gainful Employment rule, which required colleges to publish designated information for non-degree programs. Delaware Tech has early implemented this new rule effective for the 2019-2020 academic year.
State Contact Information for Student Complaints
For online distance education students that live outside of Delaware.
All students are strongly encouraged to utilize the internal complaint resolution process established by the College under section IV.B. of the College’s Student Rights And Standards Of Student Conduct.
If an online student, who resides outside of Delaware, is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint under the College's Student Rights and Standards Of Student Conduct process, then the student may file a complaint with Delaware Department of Education.
This complaint resolution process is applicable to all students, whether Delaware residents or non-residents, and regardless of the state’s NC-SARA membership.
The College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education which also provides a process for complaints against Member institutions.